Art Classes
in Leicestershire
Weekly Watercolour classes for all levels
Choose from a selection of regular art classes taking place in Leicestershire villages throughout the week. Find a class that suits your painting level, from beginners to seasoned painters.
Monday Afternoons
A rural painting class is taking place every week at Mowsley Cottage, not far from Kibworth.
The group is tutored by Carol Renee, an experienced art tutor and new and seasoned students explore the wonderful techniques of water colours to create some stunning work.
When: Monday afternoons (during term time)
Location: Mowsley Cottage, Theddingworth Road, Mowsley, Leicestershire LE17 6NR
Availability: Spaces available for novices and seasoned painters
Time: 2pm – 4pm
Cost: £60 for 5 weeks (paid in advance non refundable)
Please bring watercolour paints, brushes and paper.
For more details and to reserve a place, contact Carol Renee:
Mobile: 07716 046 384

Monday Mornings
When: Alternatie Mondays (during term time)
Location: Mowsley Cottage, Theddingworth Road, Mowsley, Leicestershire LE17 6NR
Availability: Spaces available for all levels. Beginners especially welcome
Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm
Cost: £60 for 5 sessions (paid in advance non refundable)
Please bring watercolour paints, brushes and paper.
For more details and to reserve a place, contact Carol Renee:
Mobile: 07716 046 384
When: Tuesdays mornings alternate weeks
Location: Kelmarsh Hall, Main Road, Kelmarsh, Northampton NN6 9LY
Availability: Spaces available for novices and seasoned painters
Time: 10:30am – 1pm
Refreshments included tea/coffee and biscuits.
Cost: £18 per week (pay as you go)
Please bring watercolour paints, brushes and paper.
For more details and to reserve a place, contact Carol Renee:
Mobile: 07716 046 384

When: Wednesday afternoons during term time
Location: Mowsley Cottage, Theddingworth Road, Mowsley, Lutterworth LE17 6NR
Availability: Spaces available for novices and seasoned painters
Time: 2pm – 4pm
Refreshments included tea/coffee and biscuits.
Cost: £60 for 5 weeks (paid in advance non refundable)
Please bring watercolour paints, brushes and paper.
For more details and to reserve a place, contact Carol Renee:
Mobile: 07716 046 384
A rural painting class is taking place every week at the Theatre Lounge in Market Harborough.
The group is tutored by Carol Renee, an experienced art tutor and new and seasoned students explore the wonderful techniques of water colours to create some stunning work.
If you would like information or want to join us, Contact Carol Renee:
Mobile: 07716 046 384
When: Thursday morning during term time
Location: Market Harborough theatre lounge, Church Square, Market Harborough, LE16 7NB
Availability: Suitable for all levels
Time: 10:30am – 12.30pm
Price: £60 for 4 weeks
Please bring watercolour paints, brushes and paper.
For more details and to reserve a place, contact Carol Renee:
Mobile: 07716 046 384